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    RS branch

    RS Local

    Need a spare part urgently? RS Local offers same-day collection and customised delivery solutions.

    Click and Collect from a RS Local Branch

    With dedicated Branch Experts on hand to offer advice and expertise, RS Local holds thousands of products carefully selected to support local businesses, with same-day collection or a range of custom delivery options.

    Central convenient location on the “Canal Ring” road and five minutes’ walk from either the Luas stop at Rialto or Suir Road.

    IE local map

    Kitting solutions

    We combine products to create a single order that meets your specifications, reducing the time and cost of ordering and handling.

    Call off stock

    Work with RS Local to forecast your requirements; we will hold your inventory, freeing up working capital tied up in stock.

    Consolidated deliveries

    Our team consolidates multiple orders into a single delivery for extra convenience.

    Eco-tote option

    Our eco-tote delivery option helps reduce your carbon footprint by removing packaging in one easy delivery.

    Flexible and supportive

    We are open Monday to Friday from 8.00am until 5.30pm.

    Contact your local branch now to find out what we can do for you.

    Call us on (01) 4153100 

    Email the branch: orders.ie@rs-components.com

    Supporting engineers' big ideas

    How our RS Local network has helped our customers

    RS Kitting Service

    RS Kitting Service

    RS Local kitting service has enabled a leading power company to complete a significant maintenance project on time and on budget.

    Read more

    Only 35% of respondents consolidate orders to reduce transportation as part of sustainability practices*

    *Source: 2022 Indirect Procurement Report: RS & the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply