For more than 40 years now, Crouzet, has offered D.C. motors and geared motors, available from 1 to 200 W in 12, 24 or 48V versions. Crouzet Industrial DC Brush motors offer low operating speeds (2000 to 4000 rpm) and some of the best technical criteria on the market in terms of exceptionally long service life (over 20000 hours), outstanding protection, etc. These products are particularly suitable for use in medical equipment, valves, pumps, access control (barrier, turnstile, lift doors, etc), water treatment, billboards, etc. Crouzet recently launched DC mind Brush Motors, a new range of high-performance direct current brush motors. DC mind Brush Motors are extremely quiet, highly efficient and have a long working life. The motors performance is built on the precision of its components and sub-assemblies, where accuracy, reliability and quality enable reductions in mechanical and electro-mechanical dispersion.