TMP116 Accuracy Without Calibration: ±0.2°C (max) From –10°C to +85°C ±0.25°C (max) From –40°C to +105°C ±0.3°C (max) From +105°C to +125°C TMP116N Accuracy Without Calibration: ±0.3°C (max) From –25°C to +85°C ±0.4°C (max) From –40°C to +125°C Low Quiescent Current: 3.5-μA, 1-Hz Conversion Cycle 250-nA Shutdown Current Supply Range: 1.9 V to 5.5 V Resolution: 16 Bits at 0.0078°C (1 LSB) Programmable Temperature Alert Limits General-Purpose EEPROM: 64 Bits NIST Traceability SMBus™, I2C Interface Compatibility Environmental Monitoring and Thermostats Wearables Asset Tracking and Cold Chain Gas Meters and Heat Meters Test and Measurement RTDs Replacement: PT100, PT500, PT1000 Cold-Junction Compensation of Thermocouple
For Use With
Communication, Computer, Consumer, Industrial Applications, Temperature Measurement