Need to get a stubborn bearing off your machine's shaft? This bearing puller kit from SKF separates your components using hydraulic force, helping you pull off machine disassembly without damaging your hardware. It handles loads up to 100kN, so it's a must-have tool for everyday system maintenance. The versatile kit contains 15 pieces, including a spindle, arms and extension pieces. These are contained in a handy carry kit for organisation and easy portability. Don't worry about the puller slipping while you work, as its self-locking arms help it cling onto your bearing to ensure a firm grip.
Features & Benefits
• Spring-loaded spindle centre lines up with shaft for easy bearing gripping • Stroke length of 80mm helps separate bearings in one move, making for quick dismounting • Built-in spindle safety valve protects against overload • Comes with three choices of arm length, so it's simple to adapt to your system's size
• Mineral processing • Metalworking • Rail industry
Can I extend the length of this product's spindle?
Yes, this puller's set includes 50, 100 and 150mm length extension pieces, bringing hard-to-reach bearings into your grasp.