The Infineon Thyristor modules vary in configuration, offering half controlled bridges, half controlled bridge with NTC and half controlled bridge with Chopper (IGBT) and NTC (negative temperature coefficient) temperature sensor. They cover 1600 volts and current ranges from 95A to 360 Amps. The modules will differ in the standard Industry housing from EconoBRIDGE™ and IsoPACK™. Typical applications may be an active rectifier and a half controlled B6 bridge.
Isolated copper base plate Integrated NTC temperature sensor RoHS compliant Compact Standard Housing Solder Contact Technology / PressFIT Contact Technology IsoPACK Modules with screwable power terminals IsoPACK version is designed for replacing 3 x 20mm SCR / diode half bridge module
Thyristors - Infineon
The Infineon Phase Control Thyristors (PCT) offer different types of thyristors such as the capsule version, thyristor module and the combination PowerBLOCK thyristor/ diode module. The thyristor module style comes with a stable pressure contact which uses an isolated copper base plate in a range of sizes up to 60mm.